Chilean Patagonia: zone free from natural disasters
Nowadays, many people are searching for places free from natural threats. Letting them know that Chilean Patagonia is a disaster-free zone is a pleasure since it counts on the necessary natural features to be a shelter from these threats.
Climate change has diverse adverse effects on the planet; the fiercest are natural disasters, whose frequency and severity have increased sharply. These extreme events are mainly caused by global warming, sea-level rise, and changing climate patterns.
The most iconic natural disasters entail wildfires, mega-droughts, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes, which have become more usual and intense because of global warming. Both wildfires and droughts are more frequent day after day in areas where there are higher temperatures, drier summers, and a lack of rainfall. In addition, floods are becoming more recurring due to sea-level rise and heavy rain caused by climate change, whereas changing climate conditions have made tornadoes stronger and fiercer.
Nowadays, many people are searching for places free from natural threats. Letting them know that Chilean Patagonia is a disaster-free zone is a pleasure since it counts on the necessary natural features to be a shelter from these threats. The region’s climate is mild with moderate rain; this reduces the risk of wildfires and floods. In addition, this area has neither volcanic nor seismic activity. All these facts make Patagonia a safe place to live and visit.
The following are some of our projects’ benefits in Aysén faced with climate events:
- Low flood risk: The average Chilean sea growth rate is 3mm; therefore, it would take 3000 years to rise by 3 meters. It is pivotal to consider that the increase in sea level doesn’t occur evenly throughout the country; in fact, the monthly average increases between 1993 and 2012 varied from 18 to 48 mm in the canal de Puyuhuapi (Puyuhuapi channel).
- Little chance of volcanic eruptions: Volcanoes in Aysen’s region hadn’t been active until 2007 when an earthquake swarm occurred, which caused up to 6.2 magnitude earth tremors. In 1991, Volcán Hudson (Hudson Volcano) erupted and caused damage in a part of the region; its ashes fell in Argentinian Patagonia.
- Few and far between records of wildfires: According to CONAF, there was no registration of wildfires in canal de Puyuhuapi (Puyuhuapi channel). The ones registered in the zone were due to unauthorized agricultural burnings near Argentina.
- Total absence of hurricanes and tornadoes:Hurricanes occur near the equatorial strip and warm water oceans; therefore, it is unlikely they happen in Chilean Patagonia. On the other hand, Aysen’s topography is made of neither valleys nor flat lands, making the presence of tornadoes and hurricanes unlikely.
- Little chance of earthquakes and tsunamis: The region is located out from The Pacific Ring of Fire; as a result, the risk of earthquakes and tsunamis is scarce; in fact, the highest seismic tremor recorded near Aysén was 6.2 on the Ritcher scale, which caused heavy sea and 6-meter high waves and the eruption of the Volcán Chaitén (Chaiten Volcano) one year after. ( It is estimated this volcano had been inactive for more than 10.000 years).
- Chilean Patagonia is also rich in natural resources: On one hand, the region has access to uncountable freshwater resources, which makes it an ideal place for both agriculture and livestock. On the other hand, plenty of national parks and reserves in the zone protect biodiversity and the region’s beauty.
Summarizing it up, Chilean Patagonia is a safe and breathtaking place that represents not only an excellent shelter from natural disasters caused by climate change but also a unique place with mild weather and abundant natural resources, features that make this zone an ideal place to invest and guarantee your and your beloveds’ future.