The Real Eco State: private conservation park for natural flora and fauna in Chilean Patagonia
The idea of having a natural park of nature conservation to take care of the planet in this and the next generations is a dream for many people worldwide, especially at this time when humanity is facing the harshness of climate change, a phenomenon accelerated by humans’ actions.
And that’s The Real Eco State’s promise, a company that markets large hectares of land in unspoiled Chilean Patagonia, including a long-lasting conservation commitment to the land.
What does that mean? , whoever buys from The Real Eco State does it with the legal commitment to conserving land, flora, and fauna in As is form. This is possible thanks to The Conservation Easement, an unprecedented Chilean Law.
This legal tool permits us to protect various natural features of either an ecosystem or threatened species, establishing permitted and restricted land uses such as the ban of industrial uses, the felling of trees, the construction of perimeter fences, the entrance of domestic animals, bonfires, trash accumulation or the modification of water courses.
When investors acquire the land, it is only allowed for them to modify and build a maximum of 2% of the total surface area. The Conservation Easement bans land subdivisions to give way to smaller plots of land for leisure purposes or fence them, or cut down trees; in the event of building cabins, they can be built of fallen trees only, and there is no permission to modify rivers in any way. Wildland Ecobenefit Conservancy (WEConserv), a non-profit foundation plays a fundamental role in ensuring the natural and cultural heritage conservation of private lands throughout the years.
“We are thrilled at the chance of offering Spaniards the same as what has been already done by Chileans and North Americans: not only the possibility of turning them into the owner of a little unspoiled piece of land in Patagonia but also the possibility of committing them to conserve it for our children and grandchildren to take advantage of the indispensable contribution of this tremendous and vital green lung to our planet’s sustainability. Felipe Escalona, the company's CEO, and founder, indicates The Real Eco State will provide them with all the required legal procedures demanded by Chilean Law, which will be possible thanks to our alliance with the renowned North American law firm Baker McKenzie.
The Real Eco State and its sustainable real estate business model develop what is known as Impact Investment, investments whose purpose is to provoke a positive and measurable environmental and social impact that goes hand in hand with a financial return. It is done by democratizing the investment in conservation through marketing land of a minimum of 5 hectares at reasonable prices and focusing on a long-lasting investment taking conservation as the contribution to the monetary value; therefore, it is necessary neither to hold substantial economic resources nor to create foundations to contribute to the conservation of our natural and unspoiled areas.
The three core development keys of the model contain sustainable investment, conservation, and local impact, which aims to contribute to the communities’ productive area. To date, 11 private conservation parks have been carried out, six of them in the selling process, counting 5.000 hectares that have been marketed and conserved, and there are still 1.000 available hectares left.
The Real Eco State client’s profile is a conservationist and investor encouraged by both the possibility of contributing to nature’s protection and an annual average return of 20%, which turns The Real Eco State’s business model into a medium and long-term appealing one.
Source: iberianpress.es